How often should caravan tyres be changed 

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The question of how often should caravan tyres be replaced is not one with a simple answer. One reason for this is because of the variations in tyre age depending on how heavily each vehicle has been loaded over time.

First, it’s important to recognise that even though tyres are an expensive component on your van, changing them regularly will help you save money in the long run, especially if you tow a caravan around frequently.

New tyres are also stronger and safer which can mean better fuel economy as well as improved safety so they can be worth installing at any age.

What can cause a caravan tyre blowout?

Caravan tyres can blowout for a number of reasons, including:

* Over-inflation: If caravan tyres are over-inflated the tyre will wear out and eventually fail at a much quicker rate than normal. The sidewall of the tyre gets more pressure on it which causes the tyre to thin and weaken due to the extra pressure which can ultimately cause a puncture or blowout.

* Under-inflation: To the opposite end of the spectrum, caravan tyres that are under-inflated obviously have reduced contact with the ground, allowing the sidewall to flex more easily which wears out your tyre much faster than normal. This is especially dangerous for your safety, as well as others on the road, and it’s advised that caravan tyres are checked regularly to ensure they’re not under-inflated.

* Poor wheel alignment: If your caravan is running with a wheel alignment which has been done incorrectly or such that the wheels aren’t rolling straight then it can cause serious damage to your tyres.

Can sitting idle hurt caravan tyres?

If you’re not using your caravan for an extended period of time, winter is the perfect time to do so. But it’s also a good idea to take your vehicle out and about on rare occasions during this period, such as when running a short weekend break. Since

caravan tyres are already under pressure when in use, if they’re stored inflated then the storage heat can cause over-inflation over time. This can lead to tyre damage, especially if you forget your tyres have been sitting around for a while.

You should check your manual for the correct tyre pressures before using your caravan again after winter storage or when getting ready for your road trip out of the city.

if you are not using caravan in colder months, consider deflating tyres to avoid tyre damage when you put it back in to use. This can be done by checking manual or asking garage.

Does the sun damage tyres?

The sun’s rays do contain ultraviolet (UV) light which is known to cause ageing, cracking and dry rot in tyres. This can lead to an early blowout but it’s only if the tyre has been badly damaged by UV light will this happen.

However, it can be hard to know whether or not your caravan tyres have been damaged by the sun because most tyre manufacturers will only give you a recommended lifespan for your tyres, not an expiration date. You can find out more about this here:

Tyre pressure monitoring systems for caravans

All caravans or motorhomes with air-filled tyres should have at least one tyre pressure monitoring system. This will provide constant feedback on your caravan’s tyre pressures so you can keep them inflated to optimal levels for safer driving and increased fuel economy, as well as provided reassurance that the tyres are working correctly.

The TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System) works by mounting a special sensor inside the tyre which provides feedback on the pressure and temperature of your tyres. It’s worth checking with your insurer which TPMS they will provide a discount on since it can help lower insurance rates and save money in the long run.

Caravan tyres should be inflated to the recommended pressure outlined in your caravan and tyre manual. If you’re not sure what these pressures are, ask a professional or check online for recommendations from other users.

What is the correct tyre pressure for caravans?

There’s not really one single right amount of pressure as it all depends on your caravan’s make and model, when it was manufactured and the load in the caravan.

You can also find your caravan tyre pressures on the small plate on the side of the caravan.

Where to look for damage on a caravan tyre

You should check several places on your caravan tyre for damage since it’s unlikely that a problem will only occur in one spot.

* The sidewall – Look at the side of the tyre for bulges or cracks which could mean that the tyre is no longer able to hold pressure and needs immediate replacement.

Also check for ware to the inside of the wall as this can lead to punctures.

* The tread – Worn tyres are more likely to be punctured so inspect the tyre’s grooves for signs of uneven wear or damage which can lead to puncture holes being made.

Can you repair caravan tyres?

Caravan tyres can be repaired, but only if the damage is not too extensive and there’s still enough of the tyre left. If your caravan tyre has been punctured by a screw or nail, you can most likely get it repaired by a specialist.

What do the numbers on a tyre mean?

The number that is written on a tyre indicates the dimensions of the wheels and its load index. This information can also be found on the sidewall of your tyre.

You should look for this number when choosing new tyres as it will help you find the correct size and ensure it’s compatible with your vehicle.

The first number stands for the width in millimetres and the second is the height in metres. The letter is a code which indicates information about load capacity, speed and production method used. For caravans this will usually be an ‘H’.

Do caravan tyres need balancing?

Caravan tyres do not usually require balancing as they are larger than other vehicle tyres, meaning it’s harder for them to become unbalanced.

However, if you notice your caravan is vibrating or pulling to one side when driving, this can be caused by defective wheel bearings. This vibration can also occur due to irregular tyre wear so it’s

What are tyre safety bands?

Tyre safety bands are elastic rings inserted into the gap between the tyre sidewalls. They push outward against the sidewall to prevent it from splitting or puncturing if there’s excessive heat, which can result in a blowout or fire.

Caravan tyres are not fitted with these bands as standard. You can get them retro fitted by a professional, but it’s also possible to buy them and fit them yourself.

What are the benefits of fitting tyre safety bands?

If you install tyre safety bands then you’ll benefit from:

* Increased peace of mind that your caravan tyres will be protected against punctures or blowouts – Fitting tyre safety band will ensure that if there’s excess heat, the elastic ring will push outwards against the sidewall to prevent it ripping or bursting.

* Stops tyre sidewalls splitting – Another problem caused by high temperatures is split tyres which not only results in a puncture, but also could lead to potential fires. These are expensive and dangerous problems to have problems to have, so you should take steps- installing tyre safety bands is the ideal solution.

How much do caravan tyres cost?

Caravan tyres are the only ones that will fit your caravan, so you shouldn’t buy just any set of tyres and expect them to work.  They’re made specifically for caravans, which means they’re wider than regular tyres with different tread placement which can affect handling.

If you don’t want to pay a fortune for tyres, you can still get a decent set of budget ones that will provide good grip and be reliable.

Caravan tyres and the law uk?

The legal requirements for caravan tyres are that they must be fitted to your van as specified by the manufacturers instructions.  This means you’ll need to buy ones that are the same size across the axle and match the load index and speed rating on your caravan’s make and model.

It is also essential to check tyre pressure regularly and ensure that they have the correct amount of tread.

How to get caravan tyres fitted correctly?

It is essential that your caravan’s tyres are replaced or repaired if there is a puncture.  This includes tyre sidewalls which display excessive ware, bulges or splits.  If you’ve been given advice from a specialist about a fault with your caravan’s tyres, you should not ignore it.

Failure to replace or repair faulty caravan tyres is an offence which could mean a fine of up to £2,500 and 3 penalty points from your licence.  It is also the responsibility of the driver to ensure that the correct tyres are fitted to their vehicle as specified by the Manufacturer.

Do motor movers damage caravan tyres?

Modern motor movers touch a greater surface area of the caravan tyre. If you are worried about the mover touching the tyre then you could always consider a Jocky wheel motor mover.



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